Our honorary members have played a vital role in forming ISEA International and their hard work deserves to be appreciated and celebrated within the long-standing legacy of the organisation. Here we acknowledge the pioneers that have paved the way for countless artists and academics to have a space to express their ideas, and a community to share their research and practice across the globe.
Wim van der Plas (IIAC Honorary Chair )
Sociologist, Co-founder ISEA, organiser FISEA, SISEA, and ISEA96, Head of ISEA HQ (1988-1996), ISEA Board member (1996-2017), honorary chair, archivist for online ISEA symposia archives.
Wim received a Leonardo Pioneer Award in 2018.
Sue Gollifer (Special Advisor)
She is an artist, a Principal Lecturer in Digital Media Arts and the Course Leader for Digital Media Arts MA and a researcher at the University of Brighton, UK. Her art work is held in both national and international public and private collections.
She is on a number of National and International Committees, including (CAS) the Computer Arts Society, (DAM), Digital Art Museum, (DAM) the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community (DAC), the ACM SIGGRAPH External Relations Committee and on the Advisory Board for the New Media Caucus (NMC).